Behind Closed Doors: Becoming Janet


Everyone has two stories; the one they want you to know, and the one they don’t. On the left is the story most individuals are a familiar with, a cute girl in her twenties taking a narcissistic selfie before the gym. On the right is a story most individuals do not identify with unless they are privy or involved with the adult baby community. What is an adult baby? While the label may seem self-explanatory, the label goes much deeper than one would think. Widely, misunderstood, an adult baby syndrome is a sexual fetish in which the participant role-plays regression to an infant-like state by drinking from a baby bottle, sleeping in an oversized crib, playing in a playpen and wearing diapers.

Before the 1970s many adult babies did not know other adult babies existed. In the early 70’s, an actor by the name of Kent Perry cultivated a letter-based ADBL community of several hundred by posting advertisements in several newspapers and adult magazines. In the mid 70’s, Fetish Times conducted a survey to discover the most popular fetishes of its readers. The editors were “shocked” to discover that the second most popular fetish was infantilism, beat out only by BDSM. The following issue featured adult babies as the centerfold and brought more awareness to the adult baby community. Growing, tremendously by the early 1990s “Baby Week” became the first publicized adult baby event held in San Francisco.

Almost, twenty-eight years since the first publicized adult baby event, there are still many negative feelings towards the adult baby community. While adult baby syndrome does have an exact definition, one definition does not fit all adult babies! Just like one person cannot represent an entire race of people in the same way one adult baby cannot represent all adult babies! Firstly, not everyone, who enjoys wearing diapers without a medical need can be categorized as an adult baby. Overlapping, are individuals, who refer to themselves as diaper lovers. Diaper lovers are individuals, who enjoy wearing diapers without engaging in the infant-like behavior. Often times, diaper lovers and adult babies worlds collide, and these individuals will be referred to as ABDLs (adult baby diaper lovers).

Understanding, the adult baby community might seem strange, because it is not socially acceptable. Naturally, as humans, we judge anything, which is not considered “normal”. Obviously, adults wearing diapers without a medical need is beyond weird to the average individual. For this reason, adult babies shamefully hide or live a double life. However, I have come across adult babies, who are not affected by societal norms, and proudly show off their diaper. Inspiring, the younger generation of adult babies, individuals like John Michael Williams ( tykables store owner) probably do not even realize the positive impact he has made. Opening, an adult baby store back in 2016, John Michael help initiate long-needed conversations. Sparking, my interest even further, I began interviewing adult babies from different generations. Recently, I interviewed Janet, who has been part of the adult baby community since 1973. Meeting, with Janet, I honestly did not know what to expect. Conversing, back and forth, a few months went by before we mutually decided to physically meet each other.

Choosing, Starbucks as our public meeting place, I did not think Janet would actually show up! Showing, up ten minutes early, Janet had already made herself comfortable. Clearly, nervous, Janet’s calming energy started rubbing off on me. Looking, much different than I envisioned, her Instagram did not do her justice! Spending, almost three hours talking, Janet shared every trial she went through on her adult baby journey. Explaining, how she felt like a freak, and even thought about suicide at times. With limited resources, Janet wondered if she would find an answer as to what caused her feelings towards infantilism. Consistently, doing research, Janet actually attended “Baby Week” in San Francisco. Describing, “Baby Week” as a defining life moment, I could easily relate. Getting, emotional Janet sharing her journey was extremely cathartic.

Until Janet’s mid-twenties, she went through life denying her adult baby side. Back then, Janet said, “she tried self-harming as a way to distract her mind”. Showing, me old scars on her harm, Janet use to cut herself. Having, a past with self-harm, I identified with Janet’s past pain. Letting, Janet know about my past made it less like an interview, and more like two ladies forming a genuine friendship. Appreciating, times like this, I wish other people, who harshly judge adults babies could listen to our vulnerable conversation. Being, like-minded, Janet and I noticed missing elements that could possibly change how society viewed adult’s babies. Blinding, labels wrongfully take away from the person as a whole because the label becomes the core of how that person is perceived. Agreeing, with me, Janet finished my thought by saying,” society tells us we can be who we want to be, but then when we attempt to be those individuals, society tells us being that individual is not socially acceptable.” Stealing, my perfectly formed thoughts, Janet’s articulate spirit was refreshing. Covering, most topics with Janet, there was still one topic, which had been untouched. Navigating, relationships as an adult baby, I was curious as to how Janet brought up her alternative lifestyle.

Marrying, young, Janet’s previous dating experience could be counted on a whole hand. Being, an adult baby was easy to hide in previous relationships, because Janet knew those relationships were truly short flings. Upon, meeting her lifelong partner, Janet never considered letting her two worlds become one. “Aaron was a man, who knew exactly what he wanted, and made it clear as soon as he met me,” said Janet. Pursing, Janet relentlessly, for six solid months had passed before Janet’s guard came down and she agreed to have dinner with Aaron. Nine months after their first date Janet and Aaron were married! “Loving, Aaron my biggest fear was losing him, so I attempted to put my adult baby side to bed”, Said Janet. Attempting, to put her adult baby side to sleep only made Janet’s urge a thousand times worse. Finding, ways to tell her husband without verbally saying those long feared words became like a second job! Pretending, her car keys were missing, Janet would hide baby items in places her husband was likely to look. Thinking, Janet was trying to drop pregnancy hints, Aaron eventually confronted Janet about finding random baby items. Putting, her fear aside, Janet told Aaron about her alternative lifestyle as an adult baby. “Telling, Aaron about being an adult baby was hard, but waiting on his response was harder,” Janet said. Preparing, silently, Janet figured this was the end of their beginning.

Processing, Janet’s confession, Aaron still put Janet first, and reassured Janet he was not going anywhere! Putting, Janet’s mind at ease, Aaron still had many unanswered questions. Temporarily, leaving their living room, Janet went to grab her journal, which contained her documented journey as an adult baby. Returning, a few minutes later, Janet reluctantly gave Aaron her journal. “Giving Aaron my journal was like reliving my wedding day times ten”, Janet said. Occupying, herself while Aaron was busy reading, Janet periodically made sure Aaron was okay. Reading, Janet’s journal relatively quick, Aaron suddenly had more questions. Who would answer those questions?” Deciding, I needed a few drinks, I walked three blocks to our local bar”, Janet said. Drinking, half her weight in alcohol, Janet was about to become the definition of liquid courage. Storming, into her home, Janet ran upstairs and found Aaron sleeping in their tiny guest bedroom. Turning, on the lights, Janet became screaming at Aaron, “SO YOU DON’T LOVE ME ANYMORE?” Firing, back, Aaron jumped out of bed, and charged is chemically compromised wife. Charging, back, Janet and Aaron soon found themselves wrestling on the floor. Overpowering, Janet, Aaron pinned her down and made it very clear she needed to calm down or he would leave. Sobbing, on the floor, Aaron went downstairs. Locating, Aaron in the kitchen based on noises Janet heard, she thought to herself, who could eat after an argument like that? Fixing, Janet a bottle, Aaron recalled reading a journal entry was Janet expressed how a warm bottle puts her in a blissful state. Reentering, the guest bedroom Aaron instructed Janet to get on the bed, still chemically compromised Janet did the best she could. Stumbling, Janet more or less fell on the bed, which was a few feet away. Handing, Janet a warm bottle, Aaron kissed Janet’s forehead, and told her goodnight. Grabbing, Aaron’s arm, Janet pleaded with Aaron to lay beside her. “Cherry, I am not ready to see you indulge as an adult baby”, Aaron said. “Whenever Aaron called me by my nickname, I knew his intentions were pure even if it hurt,” Janet said!” Laying, alone Janet appreciated Aarons sweet gesture, but still physically needed Aaron. “In marriage compromise, communication, and clarity are the three c’s one must not forget”, Janet said. Unfortunately, Janet and I ran out of time, and Janet had to leave. Showing, my gratitude, I gave her a gift, that was adult baby appropriate. Wanting, to know how their story ended Janet wrote me a long descriptive e-mail. In short, Janet and Aaron are still happily married with three cats, two dogs, and one grown baby! Although it took Aaron a while, he eventually warmed up to Janet’s adult baby side; in fact, Aaron even buys Janet printed adult-sized diapers on occasion. Personally, Janet’s story is inspiring, because Janet took a side of herself, that she did not understand, and walked through steps to understand what it means to be an adult baby while still being a productive member of society.

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?

– Fanny Brice

Not Like The Movies 

Speaking, your truth can be scary, especially when you tend to hold so much in. Today, was the day, I revealed some of my deepest thoughts about myself, him, and us as a whole. I always, thought reconnecting with a old love would be like a scene in the movie “The Notebook”, but sadly that has not been my personal experience. A year ago, I was very naive about him, and maybe still am, but something inside of me has changed. Now, I am ready for a true commitment, happiness, and to fully embrace life. Something about him tells me otherwise, I am sure he is not to use anyone like myself, and most people are not. Yes, I will admit to being a bit weird; however, at the end of the day I am good natured person coming from a very honest place. You would think with a 16 year age difference, he would be stable, but age does not define a persons maturity level. Speaking your truth out loud or silent will always bring out needs one did not even know one had. For example, in all of our conversations, he could never give me a concrete response, which I did not even realize until I started analyzing the our situation in my head. I do not know what will happen next, but in time we should see. Remember, do let the fear of losing something or someone silence you from speaking your truth in a healthy respectful manor. Never bring anyone else down, because you are feeling upset about a uncontrollable situation, because then you will never find clarity. In the end, I will let clarity find me, and keep living this beautiful life.  


The Road To There


After, a small tragedy happened, I decided to take a break from blogging. The things that meant the most too me suddenly had little significance. Like most people, the loss of something or someone triggers cornered emotions. Anger, fear, and guilt better known as woulda, coulda, and shoulda are constant rotating emotions that I am working through. Could I have done something to prevent this tragic event from happening? Should I have written more about tolerance and acceptance surrounding mental illness? I will always have more questions than answers,but with every suicide is greater lesson waiting to be learned. Truthfully, I should not have as many questions as I do being that early this year I almost took my own life. Perhaps, sharing the same struggle as Daisy is why guilt consumes me? Looking back, I was going through some major transitions at that time, and I put all my friends on the back burner. When you cannot help yourself, its nearly impossible to help others without feeling like a hypocrite. I am a firm believer in practicing what you preach because too many people talk the talk without walking the walk. Normally, I try to avoid using old cliches; however, its time I start breaking my own rules. Life without Daisy will be extremely hard no doubt, but God’s plans are so much bigger than any anger, guilt, or fear I am going through and that’s the bottom line. Down the road, I hope Daisy is not remembered by her last tragic act rather the contributions she made that impacted the lives of many including myself.

Always Forgive and Never Settle


Developing a good honest relationship of any sort requires forgiveness above all else. Recently, I had an epiphany about forgiveness and what it truly looks like. Often times forgiveness claims us before we claim forgiveness. Maybe, it’s not even about forgiving the other person instead forgiving ourselves. Falling in and out of the same pattern, I know all about the cycle of  self forgiveness. Initially, self forgiveness didn’t make sense, I needed a way to continue hurting, that way others wouldn’t be able to hurt me. However, the pain was inevitable, whether it was self – inflicted or not. I needed to stop engaging as well as continuing toxic relationships. A major part of these toxic relationships revolved around one thing. Finding someone that’s comfortable with me wearing isn’t an easy to do.

Fearful, I would just settle with whoever accepted me. No one should ever settle out of fear. Lets be real, I’m a 20-year-old girl wearing an adult brief, of course I approach relationships from a different angle. Deciding when the right time to expose this part of my life is by far the most tricky. However, sometimes things are better left unsaid. While I’m not ashamed its nothing something I feel comfortable bringing up all the time.

Last time I was open with a guy about wearing, he completely took advantage of me. Practically, objectifying me because he had a sick fetish. Initially, he was pretty clever by pretending he understood me wearing. Over time his true intentions showed and I was mad as hell. Venting, non stop, I needed to honestly forgive him because all I was doing was hurting myself. As the old saying goes ” unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies”.

Blinded by what I thought could be the one; I was all part of a sick twisted fantasy. I can’t harp on perverts because it takes away from my main focus. 2014 was such an emotional chaotic year, that I decided 2015 would be better. What better way to begin a year than focusing on Forgiveness? Overall, forgiving is rediscovering the shining path of peace that at first you thought others took away when they betrayed you. ~Dodinsky

What’s Your Super Power?


Hero’s are everyday people, who haven’t discovered their super powers. Super powers? Hero’s? What in the world is this girl talking about? Discovering your super power is exactly what I’m talking about. While it might not be evident what our super is everyone still has one. For example, the ability to make someone feel understood is considered a super power. The ability to connect is one thing, but saving a life is another. I remember a time when I thought committing suicide was my only way to true happiness. Besides, who can judge when your dead? Not being able to pull myself out of this state of mind made life hell. Powerless, I began sinking deeper into a depression. Whats wrong with me God? Hour after hour of begging and pleading to make me normal only made me angry. Clearly, I couldn’t figure out the very thing I was pleading away was in fact my super power. Sometimes, its the very things we despise most about ourselves that are actually working in our favor. I use to hate everything about myself, but at some point I realized there’s nothing wrong with me. Yes, my lifestyle is considered taboo, but at the end of the day we’re all human. We are all here to be a service to those who can’t be a service to themselves. We can give people hope and more reasons for being human. Dionne Warwick couldn’t have said it any better!

We See Things Not As They Are But As We Are

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Why do we see things the way we are? Could it be that we work from the outside in instead of the inside out? For example, when I first came across this image I thought it symbolized a passionate love that was starting to fade. In reality, this image is simply a beautiful woman burning with love roses. What caused me to internalize this image the way I did? Perhaps, it was my human nature kicking in, which caused me to compare a part of myself with this image. Often times comparing obstructs ones view from seeing things as they are. Most of the time when we compare were unaware, because we’re trying to not only relate, but make sense of what’s happening at the same time. When I was at odds, with my decision to answer Candy’s very personal question I used comparing as a way to justify my choice. Whats worse the fact that I wear adult briefs or Candy being a drug addict prostitute? As humans, we’re programmed to choose the lesser of two evils. Had I seen things as they actually are, I wouldn’t bring up Candy’s situation in order to process my own. An instructor at Harvard puts it best like this: Every man looks through the eyes of his prejudices, of his preconceived notions. Hence, it is the most difficult thing in the world to broaden a man so that he will realize the truth as other men see it. Ultimately, we can either keep seeing things as we are or start seeing things as they are.

The A Team

I might not be a saint, but whenever possible, I do what I can to help others. For this reason, I spent most of my winter break doing volunteer work. This is how I met the former drug addict prostitute Candy. While I use former lightly, Candy has made great strives to change since coming to the shelter. Initially, when I met Candy, she was a bit abrasive, jaded, and a real bitch. Even though, were great friends now, it didn’t seem likely in the beginning. One day while I was bending over, to help another volunteer deep clean the bottom of the walls, Candy thought it would be a good idea to watch us clean from behind. As soon as the other volunteer left the room, Candy said to me “my mom has to wear those, but she has Multiple sclerosis what’s your excuse?” Candy didn’t know who she was dealing with, but she was about to learn. Simply, I told Candy, I would tell her what my excuse was, but I’m sure she much rather be screwing men and doing drugs. Candy stood there shocked as I continued cleaning. A few minutes went by before Candy apologized. Although, Candy didn’t only give an apology, she received one as well since my words were a bit harsh. Subsequently, that was the moment Candy and I really began to bond. In fact, I even made light of the situation by loudly cheering ” GO A TEAM!” Furthermore, Candy spent the rest of the day helping me clean. However, Candy wasn’t done with the subject of me wearing. Towards the end of my volunteer shift, she brought it up again. Not wanting a repeat of what transpired earlier, I kindly asked Candy if she really wanted to know? I think Candy thinks its going to be this big elaborate story, and to some degree it is, but I think it’s time, that I say just because. Every situation, I encounter is different, which is why I never give the same exact answer. Besides, its not like a former prostitute, drug addict could really shame me as bad as that may sound. We’re all just people trying to find our way through this chaotic world. Thinking out loud is what Ed Sheeran would call this, but thinking out loud might have been the best thing I ever did. As a result Candy connected with me on an even deeper level, and I left that day feeling accomplished. I managed to stay myself, and staying yourself is sometimes the biggest accomplishment.

Wearing in Public

Wearing public is always nerve wracking the first time; however, the more comfortable you are the less noticeable it will be. Thinking big while starting out small is true key since growing to places like such as the grocery store or movies are tiny places that can progress much bigger places like parties or around friends. If your uncomfortable believe me people will pick up on that; however, some people won’t care. One time when my best friend and I were hanging out I thought this would be a great time to wear since I’m around her almost everyday; however, my shirt kept riding up since
It was on the shorter side, exposing my waist band on many occasions, but she never said anything. Why would she when I was acting completely normal? Ultimately I label myself before I let others label me, and I choose to wear the label of a free spirit.

Don’t Be Fooled

sometimes peoples view of the AB/DL lifestyle can be made to look negative by those, who take advantage of curious minds. A few years ago when I was seventeen I decided I wanted to wear again, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be full time or not. Around that time I was with Ben, who is seven years older than myself, and happened to be wearing full time. I think in Ben’s mind he was trying to show me the ropes, so to speak when really it was more about manipulating the people around you in the AB world in the same the real world. I would often times find myself pushing away, and finding my own path in this community;however, he didn’t like that at all…since he feared I would find somebody better than him. The truth be told in this lifestyle its pretty seldom for a good person to come along, and even if they seem good; still be careful. I wasn’t careful, and before I knew it I found myself with Ben in older shopping while wearing, which isn’t something I mind; however, when you unaware of the massive crinkle sound that happens when you walk  alongside constantly having some pull up your shirt can be a bit much. Something I realized after my first “daddy” and I broke up is fantasy doesn’t always cross over into reality, so don’t be fooled by the pictures you see on internet as well as the stories you read, because if you want a real story about a baby girl and her daddy I have tons, and believe me when I say the far different then I ever imagined! I understand a lot of dream of the perfect mommy, daddy, sub, or dom, but in my experience when its right that person will come to you.