We See Things Not As They Are But As We Are

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Why do we see things the way we are? Could it be that we work from the outside in instead of the inside out? For example, when I first came across this image I thought it symbolized a passionate love that was starting to fade. In reality, this image is simply a beautiful woman burning with love roses. What caused me to internalize this image the way I did? Perhaps, it was my human nature kicking in, which caused me to compare a part of myself with this image. Often times comparing obstructs ones view from seeing things as they are. Most of the time when we compare were unaware, because we’re trying to not only relate, but make sense of what’s happening at the same time. When I was at odds, with my decision to answer Candy’s very personal question I used comparing as a way to justify my choice. Whats worse the fact that I wear adult briefs or Candy being a drug addict prostitute? As humans, we’re programmed to choose the lesser of two evils. Had I seen things as they actually are, I wouldn’t bring up Candy’s situation in order to process my own. An instructor at Harvard puts it best like this: Every man looks through the eyes of his prejudices, of his preconceived notions. Hence, it is the most difficult thing in the world to broaden a man so that he will realize the truth as other men see it. Ultimately, we can either keep seeing things as we are or start seeing things as they are.

Published by Aaliyah Rain

My name is Aaliyah Rain, I am a blogger, who helps individuals navigate the difficulties of taboo life by sharing my interpersonal kinky experience, Covering, a variety of topics, my posts relate to “vanilla” life as well. Littlerain@gmail

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  1. Not even going to lie. That touched me. Bravo boo you made me think. You are completely right, that seems to be a lot of peoples problem. But thats the way we are made. To be selfish. It’s the ones that can step out that box and STAY outside that box that reach success. Stay Beautiful, Intelligent, and humble My dear First lady. Your biggest fan will always be rooting you on.

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