What’s Your Super Power?


Hero’s are everyday people, who haven’t discovered their super powers. Super powers? Hero’s? What in the world is this girl talking about? Discovering your super power is exactly what I’m talking about. While it might not be evident what our super is everyone still has one. For example, the ability to make someone feel understood is considered a super power. The ability to connect is one thing, but saving a life is another. I remember a time when I thought committing suicide was my only way to true happiness. Besides, who can judge when your dead? Not being able to pull myself out of this state of mind made life hell. Powerless, I began sinking deeper into a depression. Whats wrong with me God? Hour after hour of begging and pleading to make me normal only made me angry. Clearly, I couldn’t figure out the very thing I was pleading away was in fact my super power. Sometimes, its the very things we despise most about ourselves that are actually working in our favor. I use to hate everything about myself, but at some point I realized there’s nothing wrong with me. Yes, my lifestyle is considered taboo, but at the end of the day we’re all human. We are all here to be a service to those who can’t be a service to themselves. We can give people hope and more reasons for being human. Dionne Warwick couldn’t have said it any better!

Published by Aaliyah Rain

My name is Aaliyah Rain, I am a blogger, who helps individuals navigate the difficulties of taboo life by sharing my interpersonal kinky experience, Covering, a variety of topics, my posts relate to “vanilla” life as well. Littlerain@gmail

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